Burnsville Veterinary Clinic
Burnsville Vet Clinic
Meet the Veterinarian
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Small Animal Healthcare
Low Cost Spay and Neuter
Surgical Procedures
Pets are our Passion

We have a spacious and clean boarding facility to provide your pet comfort and quality care while you are away.  We have a variety of runs and enclosures to accomodate all sizes, including oversized dog suites that allow dogs from the same family to room comfortably together.

Dogs are exercised twice per day (more often if requested) on leash walks on our 2-acre grassy lot.  Cats are allowed individually  to stretch their legs and roam the cat ward if they desire prior to settling in their individual condos for the night.

We check all pets for fleas upon first checking in, and we will administer a Capstar if fleas are found.  This is for the protection of all the pets in the kennel.

We will be happy to bathe your pet while staying at the kennel (ask about additional charge for this).  A toe nail trim is complementary with the bath.

For the safety of your pet and all pets in the facility, we require that your pet be current on all vaccines including bordetella (kennel cough) and have an intestinal parasite check every 6 months.

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